About Us

Reclaimed.US is  a non-profit designed for the purpose of networking and aiding social-improvement programs and ministries that positively affect the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of society.

As visionary forerunners of social media, Conrad and Christian Naef originally started RECLAIMED.US in 2005 as place for online support and encouragement, and a healthy online alternative for late-night web surfers.   The logo is Conrad’s inspiration, and together, they created a BBS system where folks could anony15pxCutOutmously join in discussions about life’s most challenging issues.  Through RECLAIMED.US, we saw people forsake considering suicide, overcome addiction and unhealthy lifestyle choices, and form a level of community tailored to their needs.

In 2009 as RECLAIMED.US was incorporated as a non-profit as a platform for any ministry we were involved in.  While dormant until 2016, we enjoyed the benefit of training and serving with Global River, Bethel Church, Randy Clark and Global Awakening, Pete Cabrera Jr., as ministry and service became a way of life.

helpJail Ministry:  From November 2011 to September 2017, Christian volunteered at the New Hanover County jail to minister to inmates during a 2-hour weekly bible study.  Ron Anderson served faithfully on Wednesdays 9-11 ministering to pods H, I, J and K, and Chris had the Thursday 9-11 slot which served pods L, M and N.  For a few years, Christian was able to enter the pods (living quarters and “cells”) about twice per month to handle chaplain requests, pass out Bibles, Our Daily Bread booklets, and any other literature that fits the need.  It was a special privilege to be able to reach those who would not sign up for a class.

Freedom Ministry:  freeChris and Kati do a comprehensive deliverance ministry that helps individuals break free from hurtful experiences, lies of the heart, curses, lies, and self-image problems.  This is an intense and deeply personal all-day session that requires full disclosure and participation for Christians who are held back or plateaued in their walk with Christ.

Greater Glory Worship Arts Camp:

SunRiseKati has been organizing and managing a week-long summer camp for children with the aim of helping Kids identify their talents in the areas of art, drama, music, photography and media production and use them to the glory of their creator, and to promote a healthy self-image and strong spiritual understanding of their purpose and ability.

Bread on the Water:

In January 2017, we became the recipients of Panera Bread’s Dough-Nation program, and began reaching out to the local community on the waterfront in Wilmington, NC.  We meet weekly on Sunday nights, two hours before sunset, (weather permitting). We served the needy, the hurting, we prayed with anyone who expresses a need, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual.

This lasted until June 2018.  Some bread companies prefer not to share thier bread with people who can afford thier products.  Apparently, they do not understand that this was great marketing, and since we did not discriminate or judge the need of  the individuals we blessed– the homeless, women, children that we served alongside the general public no longer have this blessing.

Now structured as a non-religious 501 (c) (3), RECLAIMED.US is positioned to affect positive change in the community by partnering with and funding ministries and individuals that affect positive social change, education, disaster relief or related activities.